Press Release
Title Date Document
World Rally Championship (WRC) Safari Rally2022 23 Jun 2022 Download
Helicopters During Elections 01 Mar 2022 Download
Drone Registration 04 Feb 2022 Download
Statement on Air Accident at Chyulu Hills 25 Aug 2021 Download
After the hit by COVD- 19 Pandemic, Aviation sector is now showing gradual revival 10 Aug 2021 Download
Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) January 2021 12 Feb 2021 Download
Applications for Variation or Issue of Air Service Licenses - Gazette Notice 24 Sep 2020 Download
Press release on the technical problem at Nairobi air traffic control system 28 Jun 2019 Download
Statement on two air accident incidences that took place on June 21st and 22nd 2019 21 Jun 2019 Download