National Aviation Safety Plan

Kenya has drafted a National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP) which is aligned to ICAO's Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP). The NASP sets out the objectives, challenges, strategic priorities, and the safety actions to be taken by KCAA in collaboration with aviation stakeholders. It details the action plan for the consideration and addressing of key aviation safety risks and challenges.

The NASP is the master planning document containing Kenya’s strategic direction for the management of aviation safety for a period of three years (2023 to 2025). This plan lists national safety issues, sets national aviation safety goals and targets, and presents a series of safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) to address identified safety deficiencies and achieve the national safety goals and targets.

The following five global High-Risk Categories (HRCs) of occurrences were considered of the utmost priority because of the number of fatalities and risk of fatalities associated with such events and have been incorporated as the national operational safety risks.

  • Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT)
  • Loss of Control in flight (LOC-I)
  • Mid-Air Collision (MAC)
  • Runway Excursion (RE)
  • Runway Incursion (RI)

The NASP has been developed using international safety goals and targets and the identified high-risk categories of events (HRCs) from the GASP. The SEIs listed in the NASP support the improvement of safety and include several actions to address specific safety risks and recommended SEIs. Kenya has adopted these SEIs and has included them in this plan.

The safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) in the plan are implemented through Kenya’s existing safety oversight capabilities and the service providers’ Safety Management System (SMS).

SEIs derived from the ICAO global aviation safety roadmap were identified to achieve the national safety goals and targets presented in the NASP. Some of the national SEIs are linked to overarching SEIs at the regional and international levels and help to enhance safety globally. The full list of the SEIs is presented in the appendix to the NASP.

Download a copy of Kenya's NASP