Aviation Security

The Primary Objective of Aviation Security is to assure the safety of passengers, crew, ground personnel and the general public in all matters related to safeguarding against acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation.

The Aviation Security department is responsible for the oversight of aviation security in Kenya. This is achieved through:-

  1. Developing, maintening and implementing of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme, the National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme, the National Aviation Security Quality Control Programme and the National Aviation Security Personnel Certification Programme;
  2. Conducting of aviation security audits, inspections, security system tests, investigations and risk assessments on airports, airlines, regulated (cargo) agents, inflight catering operators, ground handlers and Air Navigation Service Provider(s);
  3. Conducting certification of Regulated Agents, In-flight Catering Operators, Aviation Security Training Centres, Aviation Security Service Providers, Ground Handling Agencies and Explosives Detection Dogs Service Providers for Aviation Security;
  4. Conducting certification of aviation security personnel, i.e. Aviation Security Screeners and their Supervisors, Aviation Security Instructors, Inspectors, Explosives Detection Dogs and their handlers;
  5. Reviewing and approving of aviation security programmes (manuals) for airports, aircraft operators, regulated agents, in-flight catering operators, air navigation service provider, UAS operators and monitoring their implementation to ensure continuing effectiveness and incorporation of amendments as required;
  6. Defining and allocating tasks and co-ordinating activities under the National Civil Aviation Security Programme between aviation security stakeholders;
  7. Provision of Secretariat to the National Civil Aviation Security Committee;
  8. Making available to airport operators, aircraft operators and other operators and entities in Kenya a written version of the appropriate parts of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme and other guidance materials;
  9. Approval of entities and personnel tasked with the role of maintaining security equipment used for aviation security purposes;
  10. Reviewing and maintaining the effectiveness of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme, including re-evaluating security measures and procedures following an act of unlawful interference and taking action necessary to remedy weaknesses so as to prevent recurrence;
  11. Developing and revising, as necessary, broad national policies relating to civil aviation security and ensuring their implementation;
  12. Approving of plans that ensure that architectural and infrastructure-related requirements necessary for the optimum implementation of both national and international aviation security measures are integrated into the design and construction of new facilities and alterations to existing facilities at airports serving civil aviation in Kenya;
  13. Cooperating and coordinating the exchange of relevant aviation security information and experience with other entities and States as appropriate;
  14. Constantly monitoring and reviewing the level and nature of threat to civil aviation within Kenyan territory and airspace above it and establishing and implementing polices and procedures to adjust accordingly, the relevant elements of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP) based upon a security risk assessment carried out by the relevant national authorities;
  15. Ensuring that periodic risk assessments are conducted at national and airport levels by Threat and Risk Assessment Committees (TRACs) in order to inform security improvements and review of the NCASP;
  16. Developing national standards and recommendations relating to the specifications and evaluation methodology of security equipment and systems and to airport design in order to adapt airports to security requirements; keep informed of current expertise, operational modes and deployment of human resources, security systems and devices required for maintenance of an adequate NCASP;
  17. Adopting procedures for aviation security monitoring and enforcement approved by the National Civil Aviation Security Committee for purposes of ensuring the implementation of the National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme, the requirements of the NCASP and those set out under the Civil Aviation (Security) Regulations. Such procedures shall establish enforcement to ensure rectification of any aviation security matter, including but not limited to failure to comply with any order, circular or directive issued under the Civil Aviation (Security) Regulations; failure to comply with any requirement set out under the NCASP or the respective operator security programme; failure to comply with an oversight recommendation made by the Authority; failure to take into account unique or exceptional circumstances which, although not expressly provided in the NCASP, or the respective operator security programme, may expose an airport, aircraft or catering facility to to risk; Issuing Infringement notices as set out in the Second Schedule of the Civil Aviation Act 2013 as amended by the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act, 2016 on serious or prolonged breaches of security or failure to rectify security lapses that may endanger the safety of civil aviation. An infringement notice may require that the operations of a particular operator be halted until the breach has been rectified;
  18.  Receiving and approving requests from other States for special security controls;
  19. Establishing and implementing collaborative mechanisms/procedures with airlines and other States for validation of security measures at points of origin of inbound flights for purposes of recognition of upstream aviation security systems to avoid unnecessary duplication of security controls; and determining the adequacy of security measures at origin airports for Kenyan registered airlines operating on new foreign routes;
  20. Establishing and implementing procedures to share, as appropriate, with relevant airport operators, aircraft operators, air navigation service providers or other entities concerned, in a practical and timely manner, relevant information to assist them to conduct effective security risk assessments relating to their operations.
  1. Click here to access the Aviation Security Department’s service charter
  2. Click here to access the Aviation Security Department’s fees/charges for the various services offered
  3. Click here to access the Aviation Security Quality Objectives